JAKARTA - The horseshoe flyover at Lenteng Agung and Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta has been tested since Sunday, January 31 to Tuesday, February 2, 2021.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that there were motorists who went against the current to get through the flyover.

Drivers from the direction of Pasar Minggu who are about to make a U-turn on the Lenteng Agung flyover cannot access Joe's road. Because, as soon as they exit the flyover, they are directed straight to the right of the section of Lenteng Agung Raya road.

Meanwhile, to get to Jalan Joe, drivers must take the left side of the section of Jalan Lenteng Agung Raya. As a result, many motorists have chosen to go against the road in order to enter Joe Street.

For motorists who are against the current, Syafrin admitted that this would be one of the trial evaluations that needed to be improved.

"This is certainly one of our evaluations that there is no more movement of vehicles against the flow," said Syafrin at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 4.

Syafrin said, the solution that the DKI Provincial Government will do to prevent motorists from going against the flow is by adding traffic signs. The sign will indicate a prohibition against the flow of motorized vehicles intending to ride the flyover.

"Our evaluation will still require additional signs. So, our people hope to understand that once there are additional signs, they are automatically not allowed (against the current)," said Syafrin.

However, if there are still motorists fighting the current when the signs have been installed, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will coordinate with Polda Metro Jaya to carry out surveillance and prosecution.

"Once there is a violation, our effort is to complete the supporting facilities at that location. If supporting facilities have been added, such as prohibition signs, there will still be violations, then we and Polda Metro Jaya will enforce the law," he said.

For information, the Lenteng Agung flyover is 430 meters long on the west side and 450 meters on the temur side with a width of 6.5 meters. Meanwhile, the west side of Tanjung Barat flyover reaches 540 meters and the east side reaches 590 meters.

The construction of the Lenteng Agung and Tanjung Barat flyovers aims to unravel traffic jams, eliminate railroad crossings, minimize traffic accidents by train and secure rail travel.

The two flyovers are attractively designed by taking the shape of a horseshoe back to back. The project of two flyovers started in October 2019 and is targeted for completion by the end of 2020. The total value of the Tanjung Barat flyover project is around IDR 163 billion and the Lenteng Agung flyover project is IDR 143 billion.

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