The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Mataram City will hold a consolidation meeting related to the potential for extreme drought in September 2023.

Head of BPBD Mataram City Mahfuddin Noor said the consolidation was intended to anticipate the impact of potential extreme drought.

"So we must prepare anticipatory steps, including the supply of clean water and others," he said in Mataram, NTB, Friday, September 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

The consolidation meeting will be held next week. BPBD Mataram invites a number of relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), including the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR), Social Service, Food Security Service, Agriculture Service, Environment Service, and Fire Department.

"Through this consolidation, we can prepare a concept for mitigating the potential for drought. Although so far Mataram City has never been affected by drought," he said.

Mahfuddin admitted that based on the results of monitoring in four rivers that crossed Mataram City, such as Jangkuk River, Unus, Ancar, and Ning River, the average water condition receded, some were even dry.

"For Kali Ning, his condition is currently dry. But it can help PUPR officers carry out normalization," he said.

Meanwhile, continued Mahfuddin, water for daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing, including agricultural needs, is still being met so far.

It's just that, he said, there were reports of a decrease in water discharge during the day, both for well water and water from the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) network.

"But at night, the water is heavier. For the percentage of the decrease in water discharge, we are still coordinating with PUPR for Water Resources which has a measuring instrument," he said.

It is hoped that the peak of the dry season predicted by BMKG in September 2023 can pass soon and the condition of the springs return to normal.

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