PASURUAN - Four villages in Bangil District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java, were flooded. As a result, as many as 1,950 Households (KK) were affected by the flood.

"But only a small proportion of the affected residents fled", said the Head of the Emergency Department of the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Satriyo Nurseno, confirmed, Thursday, February 4.

The floods occurred due to the overflowing of the local river after heavy rain fell on Wednesday night, February 3. The average water level reaches 50 to 80 centimeters.

There were also four villages that were flooded, namely Kalirejo Village with a water level of 70 to 85 centimeters. The number of affected households in the village reached 800 of which 30 of them chose to evacuate.

Then in Tambakan Village with a water level of 70 to 80 centimeters, and those affected were 500 families. Then in the village of Kalianyar, the water level is 60 to 80 centimeters, and the number of families affected is 450 families and 35 residents have fled.

"Furthermore, in Manarui village with a water level of 50-60 centimeters. The number of families affected is 200 families", he said.

Meanwhile, said Satriyo, the floods that had inundated Ledok Village, Dusun Mendalan, Dusun Blacak, and, Dusun Nganglang had subsided. Apart from Bangil District, the floods are still inundating in Kraton District, but the water level is slowly receding.

"The ones that are still standing in the Kraton District are Sidogiri Village with a height of 30 to 75 centimeters and in Tambakrejo Village with a height of 30 to 60 centimeters", he said.

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