JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police confirmed that there were no casualties in the clash between social organizations (ormas) at Lenteng Agung, Wednesday, February 3 evening.

"There were no casualties. Last night the two parties had met," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Jimmy Christian Samma, when confirmed in Jakarta, Thursday, February 4.

The clash between the two mass organizations took place on Wednesday, February 3 evening at around 19.30 WIB, located on the east side of Lenteng Agung Station.

The clash between these mass organizations was widespread on social media through internet videos belonging to netizens. The voice in the video mentions that the two mass organizations involved in attacking each other are the Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR) and Pemuda Pancasila.

According to Jimmy, after receiving the report of a clash, officers went straight to the location and carried out security. Until now, security is still being carried out around the scene.

Jimmy did not mention how many parties were secured. But he confirmed that the incident had been resolved and there were no casualties.

He suspected that the clash occurred due to a dispute between the two mass organizations so that mediation efforts had been made by the Police by bringing the two conflicting groups together.

"We met last night," said Jimmy.

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