JAKARTA - Chairman of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra expressed his belief to support Prabowo Subianto as a Presidential Candidate in 2024. Although, doubts about the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party were felt during the 2019 election contestation.

This statement was made by Yusril when he was present at the United Nations consolidation with cadres at the DBL Arena, Surabaya, Sunday, September 3.

According to Yusril, the decision to support Prabowo Subianto because the number one person in Gerindra is considered to have understood the current condition of the country.

"The defense minister does not only talk about war. The defense ministry is an integrative science, Pak Prabowo understands the condition of this country and its ministry is central in the Indonesian cabinet," said Yusril.

Yusril believes that the UN is not wrong in providing support to Prabowo as a candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"PBB remains istiqomah with Pak Prabowo. We are deliberating together to make decisions for Indonesia," said Yusril.

Secretary-General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani, who was also present at the event, said the presence of thousands of UN cadres today showed optimism that UN support would not turn away.

"We believe this support is consistent and istiqomah. Because the United Nations is a political party that has been decided once not to go anywhere with all consequences, once Prabowo remains Prabowo," said Muzani.

In fact, Prabowo left a message to him to express his great gratitude for supporting him as a presidential candidate in 2024.

"Therefore, for the support from the United Nations since the declaration in BSD, in Aceh, in Makassar, and today Surabaya, East Java and everywhere. And later there will be Padang, West Sumatra, even the last in Papua. Pak Prabowo expressed his gratitude for this support," said Muzani.

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