JAKARTA - The Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) on the Use of School Uniforms was issued to protect all citizens of the nation from intolerance and attitudes that injure unity.

"It is time for the government to take steps, make a regulation that can provide procedures or rules that can reflect diversity and do not destroy tolerance. This decree is in accordance with aspirations and to maintain relations and protect all citizens of this nation," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. at the Mata Najwa event quoted from Antara, Wednesday, February 3.

According to Vice President Ma'rif, what happened in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has become a national issue that must be addressed wisely. So that the survival of the nation and state and tolerance is not disturbed.

"The use of the headscarf is an individual choice of Muslims, so it does not need to be regulated in a regional regulation (Perda)," said Vice President Ma'ruf.

The issuance of the SKB for the Three Ministers is also a form of the government's assertiveness to straighten out problems that have caused an intolerant reaction.

"Imposing the rules for non-Muslims to wear the headscarf, seen from the aspect of the state, is neither correct nor correct. From a religious perspective it is also incorrect. So the straightening of the policy must be implemented, it must be straightened out, so that mistakes do not continue," he said.

The SKB on the Use of Uniforms and Attributes for Students, Educators and Education Personnel in School Environments Organized by Local Governments at the Primary and Secondary Education Levels was signed by three ministers, namely the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, and Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas virtually, in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Nadiem said the considerations for the issuance of the SKB included that schools functioned to build the insights, attitudes and character of students, educators and education personnel to maintain national unity and integrity.

The SKB also mentions the obligation for local governments and school principals to revoke regulations that require or prohibit uniforms and attributes with religious specificities, no later than 30 working days since the decree is enacted.

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