JAKARTA - The Covid-19 vaccine made by the University of Oxford with AstraZeneca produces a good immune response in the elderly, even if there is a lack of data regarding the right properties, according to the head of Oxford vaccine research, Andrew Pollard, Wednesday, February 3.

Asked about the statement reported by French President Emmanuel Macron that the vaccine is "quasi-ineffective" for people over 65 years of age, Pollar said, "I do not understand what that statement means."

"The bottom line is we have very little data on older adults, which is why people are less sure about the level of (vaccine) protection." Pollard told BBC radio.

"But we had a good immune response in older adults, which was very similar to younger adults, protection that we encountered in the exact same direction, and of a similar magnitude."

Pollard said various countries would recommend that the injection be used in a different context after the top French health agency recommended that the vaccine should only be given to people under the age of 65.

However, Pollard points out that EU regulators have given the green light for the Oxford vaccine for all ages.

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