JAKARTA - The PKB DPP held a plenary meeting related to political dynamics after the emergence of the Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin due to the PKB DPP office, Cikini, Jakarta, Friday, September 1, morning. PKB is said to have collaborated with NasDem regarding the agreement. Deputy General Chairperson of PKB Jazilul Fawaid said, the meeting which was scheduled at 07.00 WIB was a joint meeting to take decisions related to the PKB's steps against the 2024 presidential election. Especially, related to the offer of cooperation with the NasDem Party. "Earlier the plenary party also stated and welcomed the cooperation offer, from NasDem. Of course, the cooperation offer will be detailed later, finalized with a wider meeting, both meetings in PKB and with other parties, including consultation with the kiai it will be finalized later in Surabaya," said Jazilul at the PKB DPP Office, Cikini, Jakarta, Friday, September 1. Jazilul revealed that the DPP plenary meeting had been tough. Therefore, the meeting was extended to the Syuro Council and the Tanfidz Council whose decision will be taken in the afternoon. "What is clear is that the dynamics was very tough, each of them will also provide arguments both from Syuro and tanfidz, alot. And at the end, the decision will be finalized. But today all welcome both the cooperation offer from the NasDem party," he said. For information, the management of the Syura Council and the PKB DPP Tanfidz Council will also hold a plenary meeting at Graha Gus Dur PKB East Java. Jazilul revealed, this meeting will be held at 15.00 WIB in Surabaya.

"The meeting will be held at 3 pm today, in Surabaya," he said. Regarding PKB will leave the Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) which supports Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in 2024, Jazilul asked the public to wait for the results of the plenary meeting in Surabaya this afternoon. "Wait for the meeting decision later this afternoon," said Jazilul.

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