JAKARTA - Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus), Febrie Ardiansyah, said that the alleged corruption cases of PT Asabri and Jiwasraya have many similarities. Both in terms of the mode of crime to the suspects.

"Many are the same," Febrie told reporters, Wednesday, February 3.

The similarity between the two cases is also thought to be related to the involvement of investment manager companies (MI). Investigators are working on it.

"That's why it's being reviewed, analyzed," he said

In this case, the Attorney General's Office has named eight suspects in the alleged corruption case of the Indonesian Armed Forces Social Insurance (Asabri). Two of them are the former President Director (Managing Director).

Two former Directors of PT Asabri who were named as suspects, namely Major General (ret) Adam Rachmat Damiri and Sonny Widjaja.

Meanwhile, for the other six suspects, namely BE as former finance director of PT Asabri; HS as Director of PT Asabri; IWS as Head of Investment Division of PT Asabri; LP Managing Director of PT Prima Network; BT and HH.

This alleged corruption case occurred during 2012 to 2019, PT. Asabri has worked with several parties to regulate and control Asabri's investment fund in share purchase investment of Rp. 10 trillion through affiliated parties and investment in mutual funds of Rp. 13 trillion.

This has been done through several investment management companies (MI) by deviating from the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.

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