JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas met Panji Gumilang at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) detention center, today. They talked a lot. One of them is about Islamic history.
The meeting was after the Panji Gumilang camp withdrew a civil lawsuit worth Rp. 1 trillion at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, August 30.
"Talking about what, yes, I talked about age, age, then about the final day, then we told each other about their respective health," Anwar told reporters, Thursday, August 31.
During the meeting, Anwar said that Panji had many suggestions regarding health. The MUI deputy was asked to maintain a healthy diet considering that he was not young anymore.
Then, they talked about Islamic history. But it is emphasized, none of them discussed the case faced by Panji Gumilang.
"We talk a lot about Islamic history, about the history of Islamic civilization. The connection is with China, India, Arabia and there is nothing to talk about cases," said Anwar.
"He said the past was closed, it was finished. We will open the sheets of the future," he continued.
With the meeting, Anwar emphasized that there was no enmity between them. Although, there was a lawsuit filed by Panji Gumilang.
"So between us there is no enmity," said Anwar.
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