MEDAN - Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra (USU) Professor Yusuf Leonard Henuk, reported 5 Twitter accounts to the North Sumatra Police. He reported that the five accounts were related to violations of the ITE Law.

Yusuf's lawyer, Rinto, said that when he was confirmed the report was received by the North Sumatra Regional Police, with report number LP / 231 / II / 2021 / SUMUT / SPKT //. It is known that one of the accounts that was reported was the account belonging to the Democratic Party's Wasekjen DPP, Jansen Sitindaon.

"As reported on the Twitter account of Muhammad Rifai Darus, Jansen Sitindaon, Yan A Harahap, Sipelebegu Ni-Vanuatu and Prof. Panjul," said Rinto, Wednesday, February 3.

Rinto said the account was reported, because he was suspected of insulting and slandering his client for making hate speech.

"That all wants a fake account, we want the account of elite political party officials to be processed. We are ready to prove that my client is not making hate speech. On the contrary, because his love for Papua is part of the Homeland," he said.

Previously, Yusuf was suspected of uploading racist posts. The reason is, he juxtaposed a photo of human rights activist Natalius Pigai with a monkey in the mirror.

In addition to that in his post, Yusuf wrote harsh criticism to Pigai.

"Pace @ NataliusPigai2 beta wants to tell you to go to the mirror then try asking yourself:" Does @ NataliusPigai2 have the capacity in this country? "You must dare to prove it @ edo751945 & deny @ruhutsitompul's statement which of course can be considered wrong," wrote Henuk on his twitter account.

Rinto, as Yusuf's attorney, denied the racist accusations against his client when confirmed. He said Yusuf only criticized Natalius Pigai.

However, Rinto did not specify the form of Yusuf's criticism in detail. In fact, he highlighted that this issue was deliberately designed by elements from the Democratic Party.

"By the design of the racist issue (this) and we will see who (do) the Democratic Party cadres, that is by design, we have seen who the posts are shared with. Added the caption. We will report (later) them all. All are the same in the eyes of the law. , "said Rinto, last January.

From the data he has obtained, there are several Twitter accounts that will be reported for allegedly spreading racist issues against his clients. They are Abdulah Rasyid, Muhamamd Rifai, Jansen Sitindaon, Yan A Harahap, the Sipalebegu ni-Vanuta account and Prof. Panjul.

"Based on data that contributed to the spread of racist issues (to the point that) it became increasingly viral, it was initially thought that the Sipelebegu ni-Vanuatu account was allegedly a supporter of Papua Merdeka. Then the post was shared by Prof. Panjul's fake account," said Rinto.

"Then Abdullah Rasyid's account, Jansen Sitindaon and Yan A Harahap's account were shared with a racist narrative with the aim of neutralizing the post to the public and Prof. Yusuf was immediately arrested because of the perpetrators' posts (and) because of mass pressure," continued Rinto.

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