JAKARTA - The Green Open Space (RTH) on Jalan Kramat 3, Lubang Buaya, East Jakarta is one of the locations planned as a public cemetery (TPU) for COVID-19 DKI.

However, the heads of Lubang Buaya Village, Dadang, considered that the location is not suitable as a burial place. This is because, said Dadang, the Green Open Space on Jalan Kramat 3 is a flood-prone area.

"Here (RTH Jalan Kramat 3) is flooded, tombs can float", Dadang told reporters, Wednesday, February 3.

According to Dadang, the location of this RTH is close to Kali Sunter which flows in the East Jakarta area. During the rainy season, floods often occur. That is why since the beginning, the area was used as green open space to absorb water.

"Kali Sunter is right behind. Although the embankment is high, it is still overflowing", he said.

For example, when a flood submerged the Jalan Raya Pondok Gede bridge which was adjacent to the green open space location, it would render traffic access in both directions impassable by vehicles.

"As for the height, it is difficult to measure but it once crossed the Jalan Raya Pondok Gede bridge. So that residents who want to go to or coming from Pondok Gede are assisted by Indonesian Air Force trucks", said Dadang.

The DKI Jakarta government has disbursed a budget of IDR 185 billion to buy five new lands for the cemetery since the end of 2020.

Two grave areas that have been used are the Bambu Apus Cemetery (Bambu Wulung) with a total area of 5 hectares, Srengseng Sawah 2 Cemetery in South Jakarta with a total area of 3.4 hectares.

Meanwhile, the other three cemetery sites are still in the process of preparation. Among them, Tegal Alur 2 Cemetery on Jalan Sahabat with an area of 1.3 hectares, Kramat 3 Cemetery in Lubang Buaya with an area of 5.2 hectares, and Green Open Space (RTH) Jakan Raya Pondok Gede or Dukuh II in Kramat Jati with a total area of 2.1 hectares.

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