Central Jakarta Metro Police arrested two students who were involved in a brawl in Menteng area, Central Jakarta. The two perpetrators are known to be minors.
Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin asked his staff to evaluate the cause of the brawl. Currently, he continued, there is a shift in pattern where previously a brawl occurred between students, now a brawl has occurred between groups (gangsters).
"This is what I ask for an evaluation of, what is the cause of the brawl that has occurred so many times. Now the pattern of brawls has changed, which used to be a brawl between students, is now more formed by a new community, namely playing friends," he told reporters, Tuesday, August 29.
In addition, Komarudin admitted that the brawl that occurred in Menteng was caused by offense from one of the groups.
Therefore, continued Komarudin, the role of the community is very much needed to anticipate brawls.
"The one in Menteng was a dispute between residents who were said to be offended and then hit by the next group. Therefore, community participation is needed in order to narrow their space for movement," he said.
Previously, another brawl occurred in two areas of Menteng District, Central Jakarta on Sunday, August 27. The first brawl occurred on Jalan Raden Saleh and the second brawl occurred on Jalan Proklamasi Pegangsaan, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
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