Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (As HR) Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said female police officers or policewomen have a no less important role than male police in securing the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). They will maintain public order and the selection process at polling stations (TPS).

"The role of the policewomen is very large, the same as men, the presence in the community, the bhabinkamtibmas, at the TPS," said Dedi in his remarks at the Policewomen Anniversary discussion, Tuesday, August 29.

Reflecting on the moment of the 2019 General Election, policewomen have been tested to maintain security. In fact, they are considered to work tirelessly.

It is undeniable that the stages of regional elections and elections really require the role of the National Police in terms of security. This is because the potential for friction between each supporter is quite high.

Therefore, members of the National Police must be given briefing regarding elections. Thus, the democratic party can run safely.

"The provision of this election, friends, must understand so that they are always ready," he said.

On the other hand, Dedi also reminded the message that had been conveyed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo so that all ranks always add and emphasize competence, both ethically and technically.

"Third, leadership competence. Although women must be able to lead, be it themselves, your unit, until later you are given the opportunity to lead like Mrs. Ida Utari," said Dedi.

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