Police Investigate The Citizenship Case Of Sabu Raijua Regent, Evidence Begins To Be Collected
Head of Public Relations of the NTT Regional Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto. (Kornelis Kaha / Antara)

JAKARTA - The head of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police, Inspector General Lotharia Latif, has ordered his personnel to explore the citizenship status of the elected regent Sabu Raijua Orient Riwu Kore in coordination with the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Sabu Raijua.

"The NTT Regional Police Chief has ordered to follow up on this matter in accordance with applicable regulations," said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Regional Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 3.

This was conveyed in connection with the findings in the Sabu Raijua Pilkada which stated that the elected regent Orient Riwu Kore was still a citizen of the United States (US) after a confirmation letter from the US Embassy was received by Bawaslu Sabu Raijua on Tuesday, February 2.

The former North Central Timor (TTU) Police Chief said that the coordination with the KPU and Bawaslu Sabu Raijua was in terms of collecting evidence to determine whether the person concerned committed a criminal offense or not.

"Yes, we collect evidence first to ensure there is a criminal element or not in this case, to be handled further," he said.

The results of this coordination, he said, would determine that the case for the elected Regent of Orient Riwu Kore would be handled by the NTT Regional Police or by the Sabu Raijua Police, which is located in the southern part of NTT.

Previously, Bawaslu Sabu Raijua, NTT, had received confirmation from the US Embassy that the elected regent Sabu Raijua Orient Riwu Kore was still a citizen of the United States (US).

"The US Embassy in Jakarta has confirmed and confirmed that the person concerned is still a US citizen," said Bawaslu Chairman Sabu Raijua Yugi Tagi Huma.

Yugi said that his party had sent letters to Immigration in Kupang and Central Immigration to find out about the suspicion that the elected regent Sabu Raijua still had US citizenship.

In addition, Bawaslu Sabu Raijua has also submitted the notification letter to the Central General Election Commission (KPU) to later respond to this problem.

Yugi said that during the election his party had reminded KPU Sabu Raijua to investigate the issue that Orient was not an Indonesian citizen.

"We have also conveyed a warning before the stipulation. We asked them not to rush to determine the elected regent and deputy regent, but in the end they were determined," he said.

Even Bawaslu Sabu Raijua is working with the Kupang City Population Service to ensure Orient citizenship.

According to him, Bawaslu has been investigating the alleged citizenship of Orient since early January 2021. His party has also sent letters to the US Embassy in Jakarta since early January.

"However, there was only confirmation from the US Embassy in Jakarta on Tuesday, February 2, after the appointment of the elected regent," he said.

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