JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan appreciates and supports the 'Jakarta Masker (Jakarta Mask)' program carried out by Polda Metro Jaya which is led directly by the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran.

"On this occasion, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude, Kapolda, for the initiative of the Jakarta masked program", Anies said on the sidelines of the 'Jakarta Masker' socialization event, Wednesday, February 3.

According to Anies, the policy of wearing masks both in public places or on public transportation has been in effect since last year. However, it is very important to always remind the public. Thus, the 'Jakarta Masker is a very good' program.

Anies also said that in order to get out of the pandemic period, new breakthroughs must be made. Because there will be no results if you don't want to try your best.

"This program is one of the breakthroughs that make us all aware that this pandemic is not over yet and the way to deal with it is with the efforts of each of us", said Anies.

Anies realized that implementing this policy was not easy. For this reason, people are asked to remind each other of the use of masks.

"Our challenge is much bigger than obliging. Our challenge (to) keep reminding", he said.

As for the Jakarta Police Chief, Fadil Imran, previously said that in the Jakarta Masker program, his party would distribute 100,000 masks to Jakarta residents.

Fadil said that the 100,000 masks were distributed to the police station in the Polda Metro Jaya area. The mask distribution activity collaborated with the Jayakarta Military Command and the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.

"The goal is to make people aware of using masks to break the chain of spreading Covid-19", said Fadil.

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