JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Office reported that as many as 251 workers in the local area were affected by layoffs (PHK) that took place throughout 2020.

"At the beginning of the year, the figure ranged from 22 to 49 workers. Then it decreased from March to June to an average of two to eight workers", said Head of East Jakarta Nakertrans and Energy Sub-Department, Galuh Prasiwi, reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 3.

Galuh said the number of layoffs increased again from July to November 2020 in line with the COVID-19 pandemic hitting Jakarta.

The number of workers who experienced layoffs in September 2020 was 52 workers and October was 36 workers. The layoffs were dominated by workers in the formal sector.

"A total of 251 workers were laid off throughout 2020", he said.

In the same year, said Galuh, the East Jakarta Sub-dept. The Nakertrans and Energy also handled a total of 69 cases of industrial relations disputes in East Jakarta.

The highest number of cases took place in September 2020, reaching 12 cases of disputes between company management and workers.

"In the past year, the average number is still below ten cases, the highest was in September 12 cases and January at ten cases", he said.

Although the layoffs and company disputes with workers took place when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Jakarta, Galuh has not yet received a specific report linking the situation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We only have data on layoffs in general disputes, and it is not clear whether the result of the pandemic or not. We are still investigating", he said.

Separately, the Coordinator of the Pulogadung Regional Workers Forum (FBK), Hilman Firmansyah, assessed that worker layoffs throughout 2020 were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In fact, I see the impact of a pandemic. However, the data reported by the Sub-dept. Of Nakertrans and Energy is like an 'iceberg' phenomenon that needs to be explored further. Many companies have not taken the initiative to report to the government", he said.

Hilman is one of the total 150 employees of PT Tiga Berlian Elektrik who was affected by layoffs in March 2020.

This manufacturing company engaged in the production of refrigeration machines in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate began to be affected in December 2019.

"At that time 70 percent of our production had decreased. The peak was during the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, our company went out of business", he said.

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