TANGERANG - A total of 29 thousand South Tangerang residents were exposed to the ACUTE Respiratory Channel Inspection (ARI). This is allegedly due to poor air quality in the area.

Head of the South Tangerang City Health Office, Alin Hendralin Mahdaniar, confirmed that the ISPA case in South Tangerang had increased from January to August 2023.

"As a result of air pollution, the ISPA case has increased. Generally it is dominated by toddlers and children, ranging from mild to moderate respiratory problems," said Alin when confirmed, Friday, August 25.

Therefore, Alin appealed to the public to live a healthy life and not burn garbage. In addition, when doing activities outside the home, you should wear a mask.

"We urge people to live a clean life and not burn garbage carelessly. Keep a healthy lifestyle," he concluded.

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