The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police continues to investigate cases of confiscation of cellphones and Vehicle Registration Certificates (STNK) experienced by extracurricular teachers on Ahmad Yani Street, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta. According to the victim's confession, he was approached by six people who claimed to be debt collectors, accusing him of not paying motorcycle installments. Meanwhile, the Cempaka Putih Police could not confirm whether the perpetrators were really debt collectors or even eagle eyes.

"The perpetrator is still under investigation, we are still combing and collecting evidence at the TKP (the crime scene). Still investigating, we cannot confirm (the perpetrator of the eagle eye)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police, AKP Suprayogo when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 23.

Selain itu, penyidik Unit Reskrim Polsek Cempaka Putih juga belum melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap saksi lainnya yang mengetahui adanya kejadian itu.

"We will investigate it again (witnesses), it is near the gas station (event), so later we will send a summons (witness) to the gas station employees who at that time were on duty, whether they saw it or not," he explained.

Meanwhile, the police have not yet obtained CCTV camera footage related to the incident. The reason is, CCTV footage on the road only belongs to NTMC.

"CCTV is not on the road, there is an NTMC, it is 6 hours on arrival (accreted) because it is to monitor traffic. Unless (TKP) is near the housing area, it (TKP) is on the highway," he said.

Meanwhile, the police have also conducted a crime scene (TKP) related to the incident. The crime scene was carried out after the police received the victim's report.

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