YOGYAKARTA Taspen authentication is one of the verification processes that is often confused by participants who receive pension funds from Taspen. The following article will provide an explanation for you.

Quoted from Taspen's official website, authentication is a verification process carried out with the aim of ensuring that the declining monthly pension funds have been received by the entitled party.

PT Taspen or the Civil Servant Savings and Insurance Fund as the party that distributes pension funds requires retirees who are Taspen participants to carry out periodic authentication. In practice, the authentication scale is different.

The authentication carried out by the veteran fund recipients is carried out once a month, while for retirees who are already single/oriented/notaries who do not have other heirs carry out authentication every two months. The authentication is carried out every three months for recipients of pension funds who still have heirs (children/partners).

The current way of authentication is easier, namely with a special application called Taspen Authentication. The application was created by PT Taspen (Persero) in 2018 with the aim of making it easier for participants to receive pension funds without having to come to Mitra Pay or Post.

The authentication itself is carried out by verifying the faces of retirees whose biometric/enroll data has previously been entered into the Taspen system. The online Taspen authentication method with the application is as follows.

If the authentication process is successful, retirees can take funds through smart cards given to participants during re-registration. The card functions as a pension identity card (KARIP), payment, withdrawal of funds, to discounting at the selected store.

However, please note that failure may occur during the Taspen authentication process. Quoted from the Taspen site, the cause of Taspen's authentication is as follows.

If the authentication process still fails, participants must perform authentication manually by visiting the Bank/Pos as partners.

If participants do not authentication according to applicable regulations, then PT Taspen will withhold the benefits of retirees. In addition, PT Taspen will also not provide 100 percent pension funds to participants if they do not authentication within three consecutive months.

That's information related to Taspen's authentication. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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