Governor Ganjar Pranowo is considered committed to the welfare of teachers in Central Java (Central Java). In addition to thinking about welfare by increasing wages according to UMR, he also seeks to appoint honorary teachers to become ASN Government Employees with Work Agreements (P3K).

This was conveyed by the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Ministry of Research and Technology, Nunuk Suryani, Monday, August 21. On that occasion, there were three main topics related to the appointment of P3K ASN.

"He (Ganjar) is very committed to the welfare of teachers, because from our discussion, he really cares about education in Indonesia, in Central Java in particular," he said.

Nunuk said there was a data matching between the Ministry of Research and Technology data and the Central Java Provincial Government data. Among them are related to the number of P3K ASN proposals that can still be added to meet needs.

"We are given the task in the next two days to recalculate in accordance with the provisions conveyed by the Governor," he said.

Nunuk said this might be done even though the stage of the appointment of the P3K ASN had been closed, namely with Ganjar writing to the KemenPAN-RB after the recount was carried out.

"It once happened like that, so the important thing is, now that it is calculated, the Governor wrote, it turns out that this needs to be corrected, we will help to help the KemenPAN," he said.

Meanwhile, Governor Ganjar Pranowo encouraged the fulfillment of the quota to be completed this year. The goal is to increase the welfare of teachers in Central Java.

Earlier it was conveyed, because the budget from the center has additional requests, of course we are happy. In fact, if possible, all of these teachers will be appointed," he said.

Ganjar hopes that the calculation of the placement of P3K ASN is carried out correctly. So that later the appointment will not be muspro and will cause problems in the future.

"So the statement is let's clarify, if next year we have to be appointed, I'm happy. If all the positions of the teacher are really full, it can be completed, if it can be done we are happy," he said.

Ganjar also suggested that the Ministry of Research and Technology consider proposals for teachers' salaries to be increased. Because, that way more people will be interested in becoming teachers.

"So it's not just raising a first aid kit. And earlier because Mrs. Director General got here I told you, don't ask me about commitments, you know. For what reason? Whenever from the regency/city, teachers enter, even though we are all UMK, "he said.

Ganjar hopes that facing demographic bonuses in the next 13 years, the government will focus more on paying attention to the world of education. Especially in terms of a system that is currently good, so that the implementation is carried out optimally.

"The time is not long, if we don't revolutionize education, we will miss it later," he said.

For information, based on Central Java Provincial Education and Culture data, there are 18,450 civil servant teachers according to the authority of the Central Java Provincial Government, 9,361 PPPK people, and 6,030 GTT people.

Meanwhile, the shortage of teachers is based on 9,286 subjects, if reduced by PPPK 2022 a total of 4,351 people (consisting of 2,952 GTT people and 1,244 private teachers), the shortage of teachers is 4,935 people.

Meanwhile, the number of teacher first aids in Central Java in the last three years was 13,621 people.

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