The COVID-19 Task Force Launches Health Line, Health Services For Health Workers
ILLUSTRATION / Swab hunter in Surabaya

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 launched a health line service that is used to provide protection to health workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Regarding the handling of protection efforts for health workers or health workers on February 2, 2021, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force through the field of health worker protection launched health line 117 extension 3," said Wiku Adisasmito, spokesman for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in an online press conference, Tuesday, February 2.

He said health workers who need help when exposed to COVID-19 can call the number. So, not only protecting but this service is hoped to be able to reduce and minimize the risk of death that occurs to health workers as well as to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmission.

There are a number of services obtained by health workers who access this health line, ranging from assistance to ambulance evacuation, hospital referral assistance to assistance with swab tests or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based swab tests as well as screening and various other assistance.

"Telenakes services that can be accessed from 07.00 am to 22.00 pm by health workers who need help," said Wiku.

He also ensured that these services could not be accessed carelessly and were only devoted to health workers. This is because every request for assistance that comes in will be verified first by the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 in the field of Protection of Health Workers.

"The COVID-19 Task Force for the Protection of Health Workers will verify all identities needed by health workers who need help. This is to ensure that these health workers actually work in health care facilities," explained Wiku.

"With the launch of this health line, we hope that health workers can take advantage of this service so that the risk of transmission, which also occurs, can be suppressed or minimized," he concluded.

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