The Clashes Of Two Sympathizers Of The KNPB Started With The Allegation Of The Theft Of Rp. 200 Million, Two People Were Stabbed
Clashes of two KNPB sympathizers damaged a number of items at the scene/ Photo: Doc. Papuan Police

JAKARTA - Two sympathizers of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) were involved in a fight with other groups at BTN Purwoda in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, last Friday, August 18.

As a result of the commotion, two people from one of the camps with the initials OK (30) and TS (27) suffered stab wounds to the neck and on the shoulder and right chest.

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen, confirmed the clash between the two KNPB sympathizers at BTN Purwodadi Sentani.

AKBP Fredrickus explained that the incident began with one of the camps that was carrying out thanksgiving activities in the context of moving the KNPB secretariat office at BTN Purwodadi.

Suddenly, other KNPB sympathizers questioned and even accused the camp that was holding a celebration, of taking Rp200 million in cash.

"So there was a fight and attacking between the two camps," said AKBP Fredrickus, Sunday, August 20.

After receiving the report, Jayapura Police personnel immediately secured the crime scene until it was conducive.

"As a result of the dispute, 2 people suffered stab wounds. There were also material losses such as 3 houses that suffered damage, such as broken windows and destroyed furniture from the house," he said.

In addition, 4 motorbikes were also damaged by the masses. In fact, one of the motorbikes was also burned.

"The victim has made a police report while we are still under investigation and investigation, for legal proceedings in accordance with applicable laws," he said.

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