JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito said the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) could only be effective in reducing the rate of transmission of COVID-19 if the community complied with health protocols.

"The point is that the implementation of PPKM in Java-Bali can run if the community complies with the 3M health protocol, and other provisions that apply during the PPKM period, and the enforcement of PPKM regulations by local governments," Wiku said in a press conference broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday , February 2.

He said, so far there were still many people who did not comply with health protocols and many still carried out mobility from one place to another. As a result, this policy cannot prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the community.

Therefore, reflecting on this, in the future the government will review the policies that have been implemented so far to prevent the spread of this virus in the community.

"The government will certainly study various policies to suppress the increase in positive cases that have emerged in society," he said.

Wiku explained that the COVID-19 Handling Task Force is currently developing command posts at the RT / RW level in the regions to help local governments monitor and implement PPKM.

This post, he continued, would be spread out nationally and managed by a task force in coordination with various elements such as ministries and agencies, local governments, elements of the TNI / Polri, community leaders and religious leaders.

Besides functioning to encourage changes in people's behavior to be more disciplined in implementing health protocols, this post is also expected to be able to help the community, especially those who need care after being exposed to COVID-19.

"It is hoped that officers in their respective areas can help residents who need treatment or a referral letter from a health service such as the local Puskesmas," he said.

Previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) evaluated the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM). Jokowi bluntly said the policy was ineffective. Even the implementation tends to be vague and consistent.

"I want to convey that related to PPKM on January 11 to 25, we have to say what it is. This is not effective. Mobility is still high. Because we have a mobility index, there is also a rise in some of the COVID-19 provinces," he said. closed meeting at the Bogor Palace, broadcast via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, on Sunday, 31 January.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta asked his aides to involve epidemiologists when drafting policies related to handling the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. Jokowi assessed that the implementation of the PPKM policy has not been good.

"In fact, the essence of PPKM is to limit mobility, that's just a limitation of community activities. But what I see is that in its implementation we are not firm and inconsistent. This is just a matter of implementation," he said.

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