The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) assessed that the situation in the political year has tended to warm up, and has even heated up each other between his own friends ahead of the 2024 General Election. This was conveyed by President Jokowi at the Opening of the National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Christian Young Forces Movement (GAMKI), in Medan, North Sumatra, Saturday. "The situation in this political year has started to warm up the nails. And it has begun to warm up, a bit hotter but not hot yet. And the hassle is already between friends themselves, it has started to heat up each other," said Jokowi. in front of the audience, the President asked the GAMKI DPP to be able to cool the situation on the ground and to accompany the political conditions in the midst of the global uncertainty situation. According to Jokowi, global uncertainty demands all parties to work focused and solid so that Indonesia does not belong to 96 countries that become the 'patient' of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "Introversing. But that is the fact so that even though we compete, in this political year, friends are friends," said Jokowi. The Head of State asked the public not to be wary during political years.

Ia mengibaratkan Pemilu 2024 sebagai balapan atau "racing" yang tidak boleh saling sikut atau saling tendang karena semua adalah warga sebangsa dan se-Tanah Air. Oleh karena itu, ia meminta agar masyarakat harus berkawan dan bersatu kembali setelah "balapan" pemilu itu.Ia berharap agar masyarakat tidak membuat luka yang terlalu dalam karena pemilu ini diibaratkan pertandingan persaudaraan, pertandingan kekeluargaan."Jangan antartetangga enggak bisa saling menyapa setelah pemilu. Jangan antarkawan enggak saling menyapa setelah pilpres. Enggak lah. Perlu saya ingatkan, kita ini saudara sebangsa dan se-Tanah Air. Itulah budaya politik Indonesia. Kekeluargaan, gotong royong, budaya bersatu," kata Jokowi.Jokowi menegaskan bahwa bersatu bukan hanya sekadar tidak bertengkar, tetapi mampu bergerak dan bersinergi bersama dalam meraih visi Indonesia Maju yang dicita-citakan.

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