JAKARTA - Founder of the Indonesian Public Opinion Study Discussion Group (KedaiKOPI), Hendri Satrio, said that hand-catching operations (OTT) are still a benchmark.
This is based on a survey conducted by his institution on January 4 until 11 which he then presented to the KPK leadership.
"One of the important things is how the perception of OTT is still considered as a step that reflects the eradication of corruption in Indonesia", Hendri said in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Tuesday, February 2.
Although it is still a benchmark, however, this survey, which involved 2,000 respondents, still wants corruption to be eliminated in Indonesia.
"So even though the OTT is still a reflection of the KPK's performance, the Indonesian people really want the eradication of corruption in Indonesia to be completed by reducing corrupt acts committed by corrupt elements," he said.
Responding to this, Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron agrees that OTT is still a public reference in assessing the performance of his institution. This is due to the public's desire for this anti-graft agency to punish the corruptors.
"So the public is still waiting for the work of the KPK in the form of catching hands. This is understood, we also understand it as part of hoping that the KPK will be the retaliation for corruptors", said Ghufron.
In addition, through this survey, Ghufron also captured the public's desire that his institution could reduce and even eliminate corrupt practices that exist in the country in all fields including in the midst of handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The public also hopes that the KPK's work is to reduce, eliminate corruption. So the hope is that taking action is in the framework of eliminating corruption in all fields", he said.
"That for us is a portrait, a portrait of what? A portrait of the public's assessment of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the next is a challenge for our work in the future", added Ghufron.
As previously reported, the KedaiKopi survey institute said 85.5 percent of respondents rated the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) 's performance as good. In addition, this survey also noted that the level of public trust in the KPK was at 6.90 percent.
This figure makes the anti-graft commission sit in third place in the list of institutions most trusted by the public to be behind the TNI, which won 7.04 percent, and the Indonesian President, who won 6.98 percent.
The level of public trust in the Corruption Eradication Commission has increased due to the rampant OTT that occurred in 2020. According to the Executive Director of Kedai Kopi Kunto Adi Wibowo, silent operations are still an indicator of success in the community.
"The public perceives that the indicator of the success of the KPK is if there is an OTT. So that at the end of last year there were two big OTTs and then the OTT influenced public opinion and public trust", said Kunto when releasing the survey results, Monday, January 25 yesterday.
Meanwhile, the reason that the anti-graft commission's performance is not good is that there is still a lot of corruption that has occurred and there are corruptors who have not been arrested.
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