JAKARTA - Emha Ainun Nadjib or who is familiarly called Cak Nun also commented on the legal case that befell social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda. Abu Janda was dragged into a legal case for calling "Islam is arrogant".
Cak Nun admitted that he did not question the figure of Abu Janda, who said that Islam was an arrogant religion. However, what matters is what is being said.
"Whatever he says, it doesn't matter if he becomes a widow's ash, widower's ash, Abu Bakr, Abu Lahab, cigarette ashes, all kinds of things, it is not important. What is important is that his words become our focus," said Cak Nun in CakNun's Youtube broadcast. com, quoted by VOI on Tuesday, February 2.
Cak Nun is of the view that Islam is a value and a system of thinking. Therefore, Islam cannot be a subject that can act arrogantly. According to him, arrogant expressions apply to creatures, in this case humans.
"If he means arrogant Islam, yes Islam cannot be arrogant. If Islam is arrogant, it does not make sense because the arrogant may be Muslims (people who are Muslim), not Islam," said the cultural observer.
Because of that, Cak Nun asked anyone including Abu Janda to think twice before calling Islam arrogant. Because, according to him, someone could say something that ended up offending other people.
"So, you have to remember to be vigilant. Hopefully all those involved in the case or in matters of miscommunication regarding the arrogant religion of Islam can carry out an attitude by always remembering so that you are aware of the things in between," he said.
Abu Janda was previously reported for his tweets on Twitter. The contents of his tweets about Islam are called arrogant because they have trampled on local wisdom.
"Islam is indeed the religion of immigrants from Arabic, the original Indonesian religion is Sundanese Wiwitan, Kaharingan etc. And it is arrogant, it forbids indigenous traditions, people's rituals are dissolved using apostate kebayas, wayang kulit is forbidden. If you don't want to be called arrogant, don't trample local wisdom @awemany, "write the account @ permadiaktivis1.
Based on the evidence of the tweet, Abu Janda was reported. Abu Janda was reported to be related to allegations of hatred or hostility between individuals and / or groups (sara) of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2006 concerning information and electronic transactions of article 28 paragraph (2), blasphemy of Law No.1 of 1946 concerning KUHP article 156A.
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