The figure of Dananjaya Erbening is being discussed after he was arrested by Densus 88. The man with the initials DE was arrested at his residence in Bulak Sentul, Harapan Jaya, North Bekasi, West Java, on Monday 14 August.

When they were about to arrest Dananjaya Erbening, the Densus 88 team conducted surveillance on the perpetrator's house for two weeks. In the process of his arrest, the police asked for permission from the management in the village where DE lives.

Dananjaya Erbening was arrested at noon at 14.00. The Densus team found a number of evidences in the form of weapons and ammunition which were then secured. The figure of Dananjaya Erbening is apparently not new to the world of terrorism. He is known to have actively carried out propaganda on acts of terrorism related to ISIS through social media Facebook.

Dananhaya Erbening was born in Purbalingga, Central Java. When arrested, DE worked as an employee at BUMN PT KAI. Based on the confession from residents around where he lived, DE recently occupied his house in Bekasi, which was only about six months.

Dananjaya Erbening lives with his wife and children. His wife is known to be pregnant for about six to seven months. At home, DE is known as a closed person and doesn't talk much. But behind that, DE also often attends RT meetings and is orderly in administration.

Dananjaya Erbening has the nickname Ibnu Mardi. This 28-year-old and Muslim man is known to have radical views because he is close to terrorism organizations. One example, namely he once questioned the real music law.

In carrying out acts of terrorism, Dananjaya Erbening often performs terrorism propaganda through Facebook. DE often uploads photos with the ISIS flag in FB status and often echoes takbir sentences and motivations for jihad.

Dananjaya Erbening's post was quite horrendous, namely the upload on July 29, 2011. "I have to try to become a Strong Ikhwan!," wrote DE.

Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the Police, revealed that DE is an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) supporter.

"DE is one of the supporters of ISIS who actively conducts propaganda on social media by providing motivation for jihad and calling for unity in the goal of jihad through Facebook," said Ahmad Ramadhan, Monday, August 14, 2023.

Dananjaya Erbening has also uploaded digital poster content containing the text of renewal of allegiance with Arabic and Indonesian writing to ISIS leader Abu Al Husain Al Husaini Al Quraysi.

Dananjaya Erbening admitted that ABU BAKAR AL BAGHDADI had pledged allegiance by reading the text of allegiance on social media when there was a lot of ISIS issues in Indonesia.

Dananjaya claimed to have a amaliyah goal to release prisoners of terrorist convicts at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. He will fight with weapons and seize weapons in the Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua arsenal.

Dananjaya Erbening's looted weapon will be distributed to Napiter at Mako to fight against the police. In addition to targeting Mako Brimob, DE also has a target of operation targeting the West Java Mobile Brigade Headquarters as a second option and the TNI Headquarters as the last option.

That's a review of the figure of Dananjaya Erbening, a terrorist who has just been arrested in Bekasi. DE It is known that he has made preparations or i dad on Mount Geulis every two months.

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