JAKARTA - The Niger military junta vowed to sue ousted president Mohamed Bazoum on charges of "traisal to the country" and undermine the country's "domestic and foreign security".

The statement was read by Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesman for the National Council for State Security (CNSP), a group of soldiers who took power after detaining Bazoum.

"The Niger government has so far collected evidence to demand the ousted president and his local and foreign accomplices to competent national and international bodies for carrying out high treason and undermine Niger's internal and external security," Abdramane said as quoted by ANTARA from Anadolu, Monday, August 14.

The junta said the interconnected lobby with several West African politicians had spread false news about the "transitional government".

The junta emphasized dissatisfaction with several elements of the international community in solidarity with government officials overturned.

On July 26, a group of soldiers gave a statement via Niger television channel shortly after detaining President Bazoum. They claim to have taken steps to address the deteriorating security situation and poor governance.

Bazoum was elected in 2021 in Niger's first democratic transition to power since independence from France in 1960.

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