TANGERANG - Head of the South Tangerang Environment Agency (DLH), Wahyonoto, confirmed that the air in his area was still healthy. He is sure because measurements have been carried out with a separate mechanism.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday's data was moderate (air quality). It is very feasible for living things, animal humans, plants and others. So, yes, we feel it every day," Wahyonoto said when confirmed, Friday, August 11.

However, the South Tangerang DLH appealed to prevent air pollution. He asked his citizens not to burn garbage. Moreover, the condition is currently entering the dry season.

"So this dryness is easier for people to burn garbage, yesterday we also always supervised. Making firm warnings to people who burn garbage," he said.

In addition, he also asked the public to reduce the use of private vehicles in order to reduce the number of bad particles in the air.

"The public is also advised to reduce private transportation vehicles, which emit exhaust gases and add a lot of bad particle content," he said.

Wahyonoto previously said that to measure air quality, it cannot be tested at one point.

"The tool they use only measures the size of particles in the air called PM, it's a secular meter. So if the device measuring meter particles is widely sold everywhere, and can be used by anyone," said Head of South Tangerang DLH, Wahyonoto when confirmed, Friday, August 11.

Tangsel is a large area, approximately 47 thousand km square. 7 sub-districts, 54 urban villages. Don't take one sample of air and take it. Maybe there is more dust flying, or there is smoke from residents burning garbage, conclusions are drawn. We need to pay attention to this," he continued.

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