PAREPARE - A number of business actors in Parepare, South Sulawesi, demonstrated to protest against the imposition of a curfew related to preventing the spread of COVID-19.

The Head of the Parepare Police, AKBP Welly Abdillah responded to the demonstration by business actors who think that the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Parepare City is detrimental to them.

AKBP Welly explained that PPKM is a national policy that must be implemented regarding the positive number of COVID-19 in an area. Moreover, the PPKM was enforced by the central government through Airlangga Hartarto as Chair of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN).

Meanwhile, from data as of Sunday, January 31, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia reached 1,078,314. This has led the central government to ask PPKM to be implemented in areas where the Covid-19 spread rate is quite high.

"The limitation of community activities is a national policy. Consideration of restrictions is seen from the zoning of the pandemic area and the increase in the number of suspected Covid-19. The increase in suspects in Parepare recently has been quite significant. There is a need for public awareness to obey the health program. The limitation is still increasing what if not. limited, "said AKBP Welly Abdillah, in a written statement, Monday, February 1.

He asked for the patience and understanding of the community in undergoing PPKM. Given that since the beginning of the pandemic period, the government has prioritized public health without forgetting the national economic recovery.

By implementing health protocols and PPKM it is taken as a strategic step in saving people's health and economy.

"Please look at the data on the development of COVID-19 in Parepare. It is limited to community activities, the increase per day is quite high. If the demonstrators think that Parepare is not a red zone, do they have to wait until Parepare is in the red zone and new COVID-19 victims will be enforced," explained AKBP Welly.

Based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force Team, Sunday, January 31, 2021, the cases of the spread of COVID-19 in the City of Parepare are quite high and worrying. With a positive confirmation of 1,145 people. Healed 950 and died 36. While active cases 159.

"With the government's concern that there is a high enough increase per day. I think the restriction policy is right to be implemented," he concluded.

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