YOGYAKARTA In this article, a profile of Paulus Tannos, a suspect in the corruption case in the procurement of e-KTP who fled abroad.

It is known that the Head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) News Section Ali Fikri on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 said that his party had difficulty arresting one of the fugitives in the e-KTP corruption case, Paulus Tannos.

This is because Paulus Tannos has changed his name and citizenship status.

Ali said that Paul had changed his name to Tahian po Tjhin (TPT) before fleeing abroad.

Not only that, Paulus has also received a passport from another country. This means that the suspect in the e-KTP procurement case has become a foreign national (WNA).

This situation made it difficult for the KPK when they wanted to return Paulus Tannos to Indonesia after arresting him in Thailand. The reason is, Paulus Tannos' red notice with a new identity has not been issued so that the KPK has hit the jurisdiction of the local state.

Regarding the country that gave a passport to Paulus Tannos, Ali could not speak further, because he was in contact with relations between countries.

"We couldn't understand why the fugitive was able to change his name in Indonesia and have a passport from another country. So when we found and arrested him, we couldn't send the person concerned back to Indonesia," said Ali.

Summarized from various sources, Paulus Tannos is the director of PT Sandipala Arthaputra, a member of the Consortium for State Printing of the Republic of Indonesia (PNRI) who won the auction for the e-KTP project.

Paulus was one of the witnesses presented by the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) in the trial of the 2017 e-KTP case. At that time, Paul testified via teleconference from Singapore.

During the trial, Paul testified for former Director General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Irman and former Director of Population Administration Information Management of the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration Sugiharto.

When he was a witness at the e-KTP corruption trial, Paulus Tannos revealed a meeting with former DPR Speaker Setya Novanto regarding the e-KTP project. He also said his company had not received IDR 150 billion after printing 45 million e-KTPs.

Previously, in the trial of the e-KTP corruption case with the defendant Setya Novanto, it was revealed that the company that made the most profit in the project plan worth Rp. 5.9 trillion was PT Sandipala Artha Putra.

In the project, PT Sandipala achieved a net profit of up to IDR 145.8 billion. PT Sandipala Arthaputra's net profit is more than the profits of other companies participating in the work on e-KTP.

The project value carried out by Paulus Tannos' company in the e-KTP procurement project has been paid IDR 381.24 billion with bills that have not been given IDR 115.3 billion, plus a discount of IDR 19.1 billion for the consortium.

In 2019, Paul was named a suspect in the corruption case in the procurement of e-KTP. He is suspected of colluding with Andi Agustinus, Johanes Marliem, and the suspect Isnu Edhi Wijaya regarding the victory of the PNRI consortium.

The result of the collusion was agreed on by a fee of 5 percent. In addition, they also discussed a scheme for distributing funds to several members of the Indonesian House of Representatives and officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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