JAKARTA - A number of queues for applicants for the extension of a driving license (SIM) snaked long at the East Jakarta SIM Administration Unit (Satpas) office, Jalan DI Panjaitan, RT 12/06, Cipinang Besar Selatan Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta.

The accumulation of queues occurred as a result of several mobile SIM service outlets in several places experiencing offline.

Jokowarisno (56) as the applicant for the SIM extension said the offline had started since August 2. The man from Cakung admitted that he was affected, because he often extended his routine SIM every week before the active period ran out, now he can't.

It is proven that he visited a mobile SIM service outlet at Grand Cakung, East Jakarta three times on August 2, August 3, and August 8, apparently the system is still offline.

"This came to Grand Cakung again, he said Tuesday was there, this morning at 09.00 WIB when I didn't have a car there, then I asked the parking attendant he said he was directed to Kebon Nanas (East Jakarta Satpas) to come here, and this could be done," Jokowarsino told reporters at the location, Tuesday, August 8.

Jokowarsino hopes that officers can provide compensation time for the active period of extension of the driver's license for the applicant.

Because he said, there were several applicants whose active driver's license period had run out, and usually took care of mobile SIM service outlets, now they can't.

"Yesterday there was also information, information was given that the SIM died on August was given offline compensation," he said.

Meanwhile, another applicant, Feri (54) said that the queue was booming due to several mobile SIM service outlets in several places experiencing offline.

"It's just that maybe again offline this mobile SIM car is all complex here, usually it's not complex here, I always extend it here unlike now, the information now is that there are a few days ago offline SIM systems around it," he added.

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