The trial of the former chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW (Malut) Iskandar Idrus, who objected to his status as a cadre, was revoked by the PAN DPP today, Friday, August 4.
In the inaugural trial which took place at the Ternate District Court (PN), North Maluku, the defendants were not present.
The defendants are the General Chairperson of the PAN DPP, Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas; Secretary General of the PAN DPP, Eddy Soeparno; Chairman of the PAN Court, Muhammad Rizal; Chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW, Tutur Sutikno; and Secretary of the PAN Malukut DPW Jamrud Hi. Wahab
The panel of judges at the Ternate District Court then decided to postpone the trial. The defendants will receive a summons to attend the next trial which is scheduled for August 23, 2023.
"Whatever the decision from the District Court will be, we will continue to respect it," said Iskandar Idrus as the plaintiff when confirmed after the trial, Friday, August 4, was confiscated by Antara.
In the trial case number 41/Pdt.G/2023/PN Ternate, acting as Chief Justice Haryanta was accompanied by member judges Khadija A. Rumalean and Moh. Yakob Widodo.
It is known, Iskandar Idrus filed a lawsuit with the PAN DPP because of his objection to the PAN DPP decision to dismiss him as a PAN cadre.
According to him, the decision of the PAN DPP is unconstitutional or non-procedural which contradicts the mechanism contained in the PAN Party's AD/ART and Party Regulation Number 6 of 2020.
Iskandar also admitted that he objected to the Party Court which did not accept the lawsuit from him after being dismissed by not carrying out the judicial process until the verdict.
Supposedly, he said, the Party Court summoned the parties and then examined the trial and then decided whether the case refused or granted it.
Iskandar said the PAN Court also did not carry out the trial but only rejected the lawsuit in the form of a letter containing the rejection of the lawsuit.
Previously, the former Iskandar Idrus resigned from the Chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW after his name was dropped from the DPR-RI Legislative Candidate (Babileg) for the North Maluku electoral district.
"My attitude personally states that I have resigned from the Chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW and I have officially conveyed this attitude in the form of a resignation statement which I submitted directly to the chairman of Zulkifli Hasan yesterday afternoon at 14.00 WIB at the Widya Candra Complex, Jakarta," said Iskandar Idrus.
Iskandar Idrus officially submitted the resignation to the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the PAN Central Executive Board (DPP) Zulkifli Hasan in the form of a recent stamp resignation letter signed by materai.
Iskandar explained that there were two reasons that made him choose to resign, including that it was not accommodated by Ketum Zulkifli Hasan in the list of the DPR RI Legislative Candidates (Sabileg) in the upcoming 2024 Election, from the three names accommodated, namely the former member of the DPD RI for 2 Periods, Abdurahman Lahabato, the former Regent of North Halmahera Regency for 2 Periods and Nita Budi Susanti, the wife of the late Sultan of Ternate, the 48th Sultan of Mudaffar Sjah.
The second reason, namely the name Nita Budi Susanti, which was accommodated on the DPR RI's Babileg list, according to Iskandar, is that the entry of Nita Budi Susanti is feared that there will be political instability, especially in Ternate City, regarding the frequent pros and cons of Nita Budi Susanti within the Sultanate of Ternate.
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