Drug Perpetrators Killed Persecuted By Regional Police Members, Ombudsman Urges Police To Evaluate Police Education System
Ombudsman Member Johanes Widijantoro/DOK Ombudsman

The impact of the death of suspected drug ring perpetrators due to abuse, nine members of the Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) Polda Metro Jaya are threatened with Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH).

Currently, eight members of them have been arrested for examination while one member is still at large.

"Seeing the violations committed by nine members of the Polda Metro Jaya that resulted in the death of a drug offender showing a lack of improvement to the organization within the National Police, especially in the aspect of the member's education system," said Ombudsman member Johanes Widijantoro in a written statement, Thursday, August 3.

Johanes assessed that the persecution carried out by members of the National Police in the law enforcement process was due to the lack of commitment and collective awareness in carrying out the business of criminal investigation engineering processes (scientific investigation crime) based on a humanist approach.

"This is very regrettable, considering that the National Police already has the National Police Chief Regulation Number 8 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Human Rights Principles and Standards in the Implementation of Police Duties," added Johanes.

Previously, the persecution carried out by members of the National Police against the perpetrators of the crime also occurred in Banyumas on June 2, 2023. A total of 11 members of the Banyumas Police are facing a legal process because they have abused prisoners until they die.

Johanes said that after the enactment of the latest Criminal Code through Law Number 1 of 2023 in Article 529, it was very firm if law enforcement officials were prohibited from intimidating and coercion and using violence against someone to provide information.

Although the regulation has not yet been effective, Johanes requested that the article be understood and used as a paradigm from an early age by the Police in carrying out the law enforcement process.

The goal is to prevent violent methods like this from becoming more and more cultivated and in the end will undermine the spirit of national criminal law reform that prioritizes human and restorative values.

"Seeing that the violence perpetrated by Police Investigators has occurred repeatedly at the Police Institute, the Indonesian Ombudsman will pay special attention by encouraging the Police to make improvements to the quality of the education system. Especially the technical investigation in the police to prioritize a humanist approach that respects human rights," said Johanes.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen performance and selective supervision in placing personnel to minimize repressive actions of members in the law enforcement process.

Johanes emphasized that if the National Police leadership is not responsive in responding to this issue, it is feared that it will have an impact on the relegation of public trust in the performance of the Police Institution.

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