JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno is considered more worthy of being a candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo compared to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir or former TNI Commander General (Purnawirawan) Andika Perkasa.

Political observer from Andalas University Asrinaldi said Sandiaga was a more appropriate figure to accompany Ganjar because it was in accordance with the PDIP identity and reality of society, which is mostly Muslim today.

"If Sandi is close to the identity of PDIP as a child, then the reality is that many Muslim voters, Sandi is more identical to that," said Asrinaldi, quoted from a written statement.

According to him, the longer experience in government made Sandi superior to Erick to become Ganjar's future vice presidential assistant.

"Long time in government, was once a deputy governor, long time a bureaucracy, that was Sandi's advantage," he said.

Sandiaga and Erick both have the logistics to become prospective vice presidential companions to Ganjar. However, according to him, PDIP will not get additional electoral if it chooses Erick.a

"Erick even though he has excess logistics, in terms of the voter segment, it cannot be PDIP," said Asrinaldi.

"If the Muslim voter segment is emphasized that he is more worthy. Erick is dominant in working, attracting other parties and other elements," he continued.

Regarding Andika, Asrinaldi assessed that General AM Hendropriyono's son-in-law was a phenomenal figure. However, according to him, Andika's voters are not the segment that PDIP needs in an effort to increase Ganjar's electability.

"Andika is phenomenal, there are also many supporters, of course there are considerations for PDIP. It could be an alleective, has a geopolitical network, but the voter segment is not what Ganjar needs," he said.

Similarly, political observer from Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) Silvanus Alvin said Sandiaga's chances of accompanying Ganjar were greater than Erick. According to him, this opportunity can be seen from the track record of PDIP having a coalition with PPP.

"Looked historically, there is indeed a historical track record that PDIP and PPP have participated in a coalition. So that Ganjar-Sandi have a very high chance," he said.

In political communication, Alvin continued, political gimmicks can be a marker. So far, according to him, all opportunities are still wide open.

"It's just a matter of frequency gimmicks, whether meetings between PDIP and PPP are often seen," he said.

In general, Alvin views that the vice president is often filled by national figures who have a strong background in the economic realm.

According to him, the trip to November 2023, which is the deadline for registration for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, will have a negative campaign that does have the essence to increase bargaining power in order to get a 'golden ticket'.

Since officially becoming a PPP cadre last June, Sandi has become one of the many names included in the vice presidential market. Including being one of the strong candidates to accompany Ganjar in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

PPP itself is optimistic that Sandi will be proposed by Ganjar. PPP assesses that Sandi already has a number of criteria to assist Ganjar, one of which is the electability aspect.

Therefore, the Chairman of the Advisory Council of PPP M Romahurmuziy said that his party will continue to increase Sandi's popularity as well as electability as one of the prospective vice presidential candidates who will appear in the 2024 presidential election.

"All we do is increase Pak Sandi's popularity and electability continuously," said the man who is familiarly called Rommy.

He believes that Sandiaga's opportunity will become a big vice presidential candidate for Ganjar. According to him, Sandi's character at the national level is widely known by the public. In fact, the level of electability or electability also shows a number that always occupies the top floor based on the survey results of a number of institutions.

Not to mention, he continued, Sandi could be a complement to Ganjar. Starting from the combination of Java and Outside Java to pure politician figures and entrepreneurs.

"So from all the reviews, Pak Sandi fulfills the requirements," he said.

On the other hand, Rommy also saw this belief from Ganjar's togetherness with Sandiaga compared to the other four candidates for vice president.

"In the Holy Land together, last Sunday activities on our base were also together. So more often with Pak Sandi on many occasions," he concluded.

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