YOGYAKARTA - JakCard is a prepaid smart card that is widely used by the people of DKI Jakarta. The cards issued by Bank DKI can be used for various transactions at various merchants, as well as providing many features that support transaction needs. So JakCard for what can users use?

With JakCard, users don't have to bother issuing cash when making transactions. The way to pay using JakCard is with contactless-chip technology, so you just need to bring the card closer to the reader's machine. Like other payment cards, JakCard can be filled with balances and you can check the amount of balance in it.

Although JakCard's use is familiar to the citizens of the capital, not a few people are hesitant to have this prepaid smart card. JakCard is here to facilitate transaction needs, especially in activities in Jakarta. The following are a number of uses for JakCard that can be enjoyed by users.

For people who want to have a JakCard card, they can buy it at a certain Bank DKI service office and a number of merchants who have collaborated. The cost of making JakCard is quite cheap because you only need to spend IDR 20,000 to get the card.

JakCard has a system like e-money, where users need to top up to fill their balances in. After JakCard is filled in the balance, the user can use the card to transact.

JakCard's top up balance can be done in any amount, with a maximum refill limit of IDR 20,000,000. Meanwhile, the maximum limit of the balance deposited in JakCard is IDR 2,000,000. Refilling and checking JakCard's balance can be done at certain Bank DKI service offices as well as at merchants who are already working together and have the JakCard Top Up logo.

Currently, Bank DKI is also working with Tokopedia to facilitate the activities of JakCard users. Now users can top up JakCard balances more practically through the Tokopedia application.

JakCard also comes with a number of advantages that users can enjoy. JakCard does not have a validity period limit as long as the card is still actively used and there is sufficient balance for transactions. In addition, there is no minimum balance limit on JakCard so users don't have to worry about the balance content.

That's a review of JakCard for anything. This prepaid smart card is an effort by local governments to encourage non-cash transaction movements to follow developments in the digital era.

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