REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu handled the case of abuse by high school teachers by parents because of reprimanding students to smoke in the school environment.

Padang Ulak Tanding (PUT) Police Chief Iptu Hengky Noprianto said the victim of abuse was Zaharman, a sports teacher at SMA Negeri 7 Rejang Lebong.

"The reason was that the teacher found a student smoking in the school environment, then took action against this student who smoked and then went home and called his parents," said Iptu Hengky as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 1.

The student's parents with the initials AJ came to school. The perpetrator took out a knife and catapult. At that time, the perpetrator who passed the security guard, had mentioned that his son was beaten by a teacher.

When meeting Zaharman, the perpetrator pointed a catapult at the victim and hit the victim's eye.

"Currently, the teacher who is a victim of abuse is undergoing treatment and is planning to undergo surgery at the AR Bunda Hospital in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra. This teacher suffered injuries due to being hit by stones from a type of catapult," he explained.

The police are examining a number of witnesses and will ask for information from the victim. From there, the police will follow up on the perpetrators of the persecution.

The police said that students with the initials P (16) often made mistakes and received warnings from schools.

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