JAKARTA - A team of experts led by the World Health Organization (WHO) will continue their research, to trace the traces of the corona virus. Today, the team will visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Hubei Province, China.

The WHO, which has high expectations in this research, said the team would be limited to visits organized by the Chinese government, as reported by Reuters. They will also not have direct contact with committee members regarding health restrictions.

Previously, this team left for China to research the origins of the corona virus. They got some obstacles and quarantine for two weeks which caused their activities to be held back. Starting last Friday, the team conducted field visits.

It is known, the team has made several visits since last Friday. Namely meeting with Chinese scientists, visiting the hospital which is the first facility to treat COVID-19 patients, to visiting the Market in Huanan, a wholesale center for seafood wholesaling which is said to be the source of the corona virus in Wuhan.

"A very important first site visit. We are in a hospital treating some of the first known cases of COVID-19, meeting real doctors and staff who are doing this work, having an open discussion about the details of their work," wrote a member of the WHO team, Peter Daszak, on Twitter, quoted Friday, January 29.

Meanwhile, the Huanan Market is still believed by experts to have a role in tracing the origin of the virus, because the first cluster of COVID-19 cases was detected at that location.

Several Chinese diplomats and state media have said they believe the market is not the source of the coronavirus. They also support the theory that the virus could have originated from another country.

Public access to the market - which is now closely guarded by officers - has been severely restricted since the market closed early last year. Previously, the market, which sold various kinds of meat, seafood and vegetables, was busy.

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