JAKARTA - A terrorist convict who lives in the Class IIA Nusakambangan Prison, Cilacap, named Sartono (38), has reportedly died due to illness.

Head of the Correctional Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Central Java Region, Meurah Budiman, said that the body had been handed over to the family in Sragen for burial.

"He passed away this morning after receiving treatment at the hospital," explained Meurah Budiman when contacted by Antara, Sunday, January 31.

Meurah Budiman did not explain in detail the history of Sartono's illness. However, when he was sick, Sartono was immediately referred to the Cilacap Regional Hospital.

Sartono arrived at Cilacap Regional Hospital at around 06.50 WIB and was immediately taken to the emergency room.

Not long after receiving intensive care at the ER, Sartono was pronounced dead. Sartono himself was previously tried at the West Jakarta District Court in 2019 with a sentence of 3 years in prison.

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