JAKARTA - A family in Sumberejo Village, Blitar Regency, East Java consisting of a father and two children were found dead. It is not yet known why they died.

However, the police found wounds on the necks of the two bodies of children. While the father is certain to have died from hanging himself.

"We can confirm that the victim Suyani (father) was hanged. It is true that the death was due to hanging herself and to further deepen her two children that her two children had bruises or abrasions on their necks," said Blitar Police Chief AKBP Leonard M. reported by Antara, Saturday, January 31.

He revealed that the wound on the neck was based on the results of an external examination carried out by officers. The wound resulted in the death of two of the victim's children, namely Nanda Finza Fransisca (22) and Samuel Ardyan Pradana (10).

According to him, the wound on the neck is a pressure point. The wound was not from being hit but from being pressed.

"Maybe it was pressed by being strangled, it might happen. We will further validate it with the evidence we found at the TKP (scene of the case)," he said.

Some of the evidence, such as pillows and dolls, were known to be covered in blood. The items will be subjected to a deeper examination at the Forensic Laboratory of the East Java Regional Police so that the police can instruct more clearly whether to directly choke them or other media with pillows and dolls.

Apart from that, the police are also still investigating the condition of the victim's child's body, whether the victim has poison or not.

The police have also examined five witnesses who are neighbors and relatives of the victim. The police received information from the victim's relative, who was a married couple, that the victim had told her that last month she was going to die and was leaving her child.

At that time, the victim's relatives thought that what the victim had said was nothing serious. Responding to the victim's complaint, the family also recommended that he attend church.

"In his complaint, his chest felt tight and hot. We also checked his medical records, a few weeks before this incident the information was treated at a private hospital in Blitar and also had consultations on matters of a psychological nature. We will check again what complaints the victim submitted to him. at that time, "said the police chief.

Previously, three people who were still one family were found dead, on Friday, January 29. They are the father and their two children, residents of Sumberjo Village, Kademangan District, Blitar Regency.

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