JAMBI - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has confirmed its position regarding the Zero Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) program. Truck drivers who are caught carrying excessive loads will be asked to reduce the load on-site.

"There are two units of truck vehicles that were caught loading Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) goods. So before crossing further, we normalize according to the carrying capacity of the cargo," said Director General of Land Transportation, Budi Setiyadi in his official statement, Friday, 29. January.

Director-General Budi said that prosecution for ODOL trucks had already begun in Padang, Pekanbaru, Semarang, and Palembang. These ODOL vehicles can harm many parties, not only causing casualties, but the state is also disadvantaged by the budget for repairing damaged roads.

"Based on the statement of the Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), the state losses due to ODOL trucks reached IDR 43 trillion," he said.

Therefore, Director-General Budi asked the parties involved, including business actors, goods and truck owners, to jointly reduce road damage and road repair. So that the existing budget can be allocated for other infrastructure development.

"In this case, we, the Ministry of Transportation or the Directorate General of Land Transportation, cannot work alone. With the help of the National Police and also the Regional Government, and also several times I have seen that the Governor already give consent and awareness of the handling of ODOL because it does not only cause harm to the country in terms of road alone but also in the safety aspect," explained Director General Budi.

He added, the zero ODOL program will be carried out until 2023. Thus, it is hoped that goods transportation enterprise will immediately normalize their vehicles according to the provisions.

Dirjen Hubdat Unloading Trucks that are overloaded (doc. Public Relations Ministry of Transportation)

In this case, the focus of action is on one haul truck that exceeds the load capacity. In the future, the excessive cargo must be transported by two trucks, so that this eco-system is expected to be implemented in 2023.

"To achieve this target, various methods have been carried out, including the existence of policies for handling ODOL and implementing UPPKB, P21 Action against ODOL vehicles, Vehicle Normalization Policy, Law Enforcement at UPPKB and transfer of vehicle loads which costs are borne by the operator. Thus it is hoped that it will have a deterrent effect on the offenders," he concluded.

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