Densus 88 Names One Suspect In The Death Of Bripda IDF Drunk Alcohol
Chronology Of Police Shooting Police In Bogor (Maxim Hopman Image - Unsplash)

Densus 88 Anti-terror said Bripda IMS was not fully aware of the incident when Bripda Ignatius Dwi Frisco Sirage (IDF) was shot. Because, he is in a state affected by alcohol (alcohol).

Bripda IMS is one of two members of the National Police who have the status of a suspect.

"IMS did consume alcohol before or during the incident," said Densus 88 spokesman Kombes Aswin Siregar when confirmed, Friday, July 28.

However, for one other suspect, Bripka IG, he did not specify whether he was drunk or not.

It was only conveyed that the condition of Bripda IMS under the influence of alcohol was known based on the results of the current investigation process.

"From the facts that have been obtained by investigators," said Aswin.

Currently, investigators are still investigating the case. Search for clues and evidence continues.

"Investigators are working intensively regarding the details of this incident according to the facts from witnesses, scientific crime scene processing and other related information," said Aswin.

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