JAKARTA - Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser) respects the legal process of the alleged defamation case related to SARA with reported Permadi Arya or Abu Janda

Deputy Head of the National Coordination Unit (Wakasatkornas) Banser Hasan Basri Sagala said all parties must respect the police apparatus who are working to resolve the case.

In addition, he considered the First Haris report on behalf of the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Headquarters on Thursday, January 28, as part of the rights of citizens protected by law.

"To that end, the National Social Security Agency (Banser) respects this step as part of an effort to uphold the law as fairly as possible for all Indonesian citizens," Hasan said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, January 30.

He revealed that Permadi Arya or Abu Janda had been recorded as having attended Banser education and training as stipulated by organizational regulations.

However, being a cadre or a member of Banser, he said, is not limited to being proud of wearing a uniform, but also having to uphold three characters, namely amaliah (ritual worship), fikrah (way of thinking) and harakah (way of acting).

Banser members must also be guided by four basic principles, namely tawasuth (moderate), tawazun (balanced), i'tidal (fair), and tasamuh (tolerant). He said the most important thing was morality, obedience and obedience to the command of the highest leader of Banser.

"So if someone claims to be Banser but his attitude is not in accordance with these principles, it is not appropriate to call himself a Banser member," said Hasan.

Hasan said that Permadi has been active on social media twitter for a long time with the account @ permadiaktivis1. Permadi Arya's statement which allegedly had racial nuances against former Komnas HAM member Natalius Pigai on January 2, 2021 was also considered purely on personal initiative and was personal in nature.

"Thus, the statement does not represent the Banser institution. The National Social Security Committee respects the ongoing processes and hopes to achieve the fairest law possible in the case involving Permadi Arya," Hasan said.

Banser also asked all parties to uphold the principle of equal rights before the law.

"We ask unauthorized parties to stop statements that have the potential to injure and interfere with the legal process," he said.

Satkornas Banser supports the police to process this case and hopes to act as fairly as possible.

The resolution of this case of alleged hate speech, said Hasan, must be carried out in a transparent and independent manner without pressure from any party. In this way justice will be achieved and citizens' rights before the law will also be protected.

"The National Social Security Committee is also ready to help the Police resolve this case for the sake of justice for all citizens," he said.

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