JAKARTA - A number of villages in North Gorontalo District, Gorontalo, have been inundated by flood waters from the local watersheds (DAS).

Several villages that were inundated by the flood, including Milango Village, Dambalo and Jembatan Merah, Tomilito District, and Moluo Village, Kwandang District.

The head of Milango Village, Tomilito Subdistrict Eman Kadir said that the flood was caused by water overflowing from the river basins (DAS) in the area. Apart from submerging dozens of residents' houses, the flood also submerged agricultural land and main road access.

"The intensity of the rain is very high, I chose to go directly to the settlement to urge residents to be aware of flash floods, considering that the river overflows with strong currents is still happening," he said as quoted by Antara, Saturday, January 30.

Flooding in the area was also triggered by the damage to the safety embankment in Milango Village, so that water seeps into the residents' settlements very quickly. "This condition has been felt since the end of 2020," he said.

Until now, the village government is still collecting data on residents affected by the floods with heights varying from 40 centimeters to 1 meter.

Meanwhile, the floods also submerged residential areas in Jembatan Merah Village, Tomilito District.

Feri Humolungo, a resident of Jembatan Merah Village, admitted that the flood had started at 15.30 WITA. "The rainfall is very high, the overflow of river water with fast currents cannot be stopped, plus the water slides and soil material from the Dambalo hills," he said.

The worst water level across Sulawesi is the boarding complex for Unit Radar 224 Kwandang. Dozens of houses were flooded with heights ranging from 50 centimeters to about one meter.

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