JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has released data on developments in handling COVID-19. Based on examination of 70,026 specimens, 14,518 new positive cases were found.

"The total accumulated positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia reached 1,066,314 people," quoted from data from the Ministry of Health, Saturday, January 30.

Meanwhile, for recovered cases, there were an additional 10,242 cases. That way, the total will be 862,502 people who have recovered from COVID-19. Meanwhile, the number of cases died increased by 201 to become 29,728 people.

On the other hand, for provincial data with the highest number of additional positive cases are in West Java. Based on data, 4,601 people tested positive for COVID-19. So that the total residents who have been infected have become 147,488 people.

Then, other provinces with a high number of additional positive cases included DKI Jakarta with 3,491 cases. Then, Central Java with 1,247 cases, East Java with 830 cases, and East Kalimantan with 701 cases.

Meanwhile, the province with the most recovered cases is also occupied by DKI Jakarta with 3,566 cases. Then, West Java with 2,643 cases, East Java with 931 cases, and East Kalimantan with 375 cases.

So far, there is no province that has added cases under 10 or without positive cases.

In addition, the number of specimens examined reached 9,194,031. In detail, as many as 9,053,886 specimens were examined using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 140,145 specimens using molecular rapid tests (TCM).

"The number of positive results per number of specimens examined (positivity rate) was 17.4 percent," he wrote.

For the number of people suspected of having contracted COVID-19 or who are currently categorized as suspected cases, it was recorded at 74,985 people. Currently, 510 districts / cities from 34 provinces have cases of COVID-19.

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