JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the Islamic organization Rabithah Alawiyah. This visit is a continuation of Listyo Sigit's activity after officially becoming the leader of the Bhayangkara Corps.

During his visit, Listyo Sigit conveyed the maintenance of public order (harkamtibmas) to handling COVID-19. He asked the Chairperson of Rabithah Alawiyah Habib Zen Umar Simth and his staff to convey messages of maintaining security to the people through preaching and lectures.

"Earlier, we conveyed it to him, Pak entrusted, so that our message of community service can be conveyed to the people in the languages of the people and of course it will be very helpful to maintain a more conducive situation," said Listyo Sigit at the Rabithah Alawiyah head office, TB Simatupang, South Jakarta, Saturday 30 November.

Meanwhile, regarding the handling of COVID-19, Listyo also asked Rabithah Alawiyah to participate. This is done by providing socialization and education regarding the application of health protocols.

That way, the number of the spread of COVID-19 can be reduced. Because currently the number of infected people has reached 1 million, with the ratio of spread per day reaching 13 thousand.

"Earlier we agreed that in the future there will be joint activities in the field that are educational, socialization of the 5M rules. Including activities that we will carry out with friends from ulama, habib, and others, how can we jointly reduce the transmission rate. COVID, "concluded Sigit.

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