JAKARTA - The Trenggalek Regency Government, East Java, won another child-friendly Regency (KLA) in the nindya category in commemoration of National Children's Day in 2023 organized by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in the main room/aula of the Padma Hotel Semarang, Saturday, July 23.

The award was handed over directly by the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), Bintang Puspayoga to the Deputy Regent of Trenggalek Syah Muhammad Natanegara.

Receiving this award, the Deputy Regent of Trenggalek expressed his gratitude to all ranks and also all levels of society in Trenggalek Regency, because according to him this is not only the government's achievement but the achievements of the entire Trenggalek Regency community.

"Thank you to all ranks in the Trenggalek Regency Government, related parties and of course the entire Trenggalek community who have supported the government's efforts to provide fulfillment of children's rights and child protection. Of course, our homework is still a lot and we need support and collaboration from all parties," said Syah Natanegara after receiving the award quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, July 23.

According to the woman who works as a doctor, the efforts made by the local government to create a child-friendly district will be in vain if the community as a whole does not participate in guarding.

"It's useless if we organize the regional regulations, but the community does not support the government's efforts," said the woman who serves as Head of the Litbang Bappeda.

Ratna Sulistyowati then made an analogy for the application of regional regulations for a non-smoking area. According to him, the fact that this situation can be a small example of the government's efforts to provide protection to children, but sometimes people ignore this.

"We have made a Regional Regulation for Child-Friendly Regencies. Then we are committed to reducing the number of child-age marriages and there are still many other regulations. All the aims are to provide protection to children. Then there is also a family learning center that functions to provide education on the correct parenting pattern and so on," he continued.

According to him, one piece of evidence that can be felt at this time has decreased the number of child marriages which is quite significant. In 2021, the number of child marriages will reach 7.8, while in 2022 it can decrease to 3.5.

According to Ratna, all of this was achieved through a joint commitment, not only by the PPPA Social Service. There has been a joint commitment between local governments, related regional apparatus, religious leaders, religious courts and several other related parties. All agreed to make SOPs for child marriage.

Every child who wants to marry for any reason must be assessed by the Family Learning Center (Puspaga) which is cared for by a psychologist from the Social Service. Then the village head may issue the N1 form if there is a recommendation from the Puspaga. This effort is considered quite very efficient in preventing child marriage.

"In the past, people felt hindered and not now. With this treatment, many parents are aware that the child marriage law sets a minimum age limit for marriage to be allowed for 19 years. They realize that the age allowed first is sufficient," said Ratna.

Meanwhile, Central Java under the leadership of Ganjar Pranowo three times in a row won an award as a Child Eligible Province of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) of the Republic of Indonesia.

The award received by Central Java Province since 2021 was handed over by PPPA Minister Bintang Puspayoga to Governor Ganjar Pranowo on the 2023 Child-Friendly Regency/City Award Night in Semarang, Saturday, July 22 evening.

Ganjar said that the third time the Provincial Child Eligibility award was the result of the Central Java Provincial Government's commitment to making the atmosphere safe for children to feel.

"This is actually part of our 'achievement' to always be able to provide corrections so that the City of Child Friendly can really be realized," he said.

He appreciated the regencies/cities that have been together enthusiastic and fully committed to realizing protection and fulfilling children's rights.

"We have to be able to show that this child-friendly city can really be felt by children, yes, I live in this city feeling comfortable, feeling safe, and comfortable with all the access that is the right of children," he said.

PPPA Minister Bintang Puspayoga in his speech said that this award was a form of appreciation for the commitment of regional heads and other recipients in their efforts to implement the constitution in protecting Indonesian children.

"The awarding of this child-friendly district/city award feels so special with the enthusiasm of the local government in realizing the fulfillment of children's special rights and protection," he said.

Of the 35 regencies/cities in Central Java Province that received awards, 15 regencies/cities received middle prices, six regencies/cities received predicates, three regencies/cities received main predicates, and eleven regencies/cities received the title of nindya.

Previously in 2018 and 2019, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo received the Child-Friendly Provincial Mobilizer award from the Ministry of PPPA.

Ganjar continues to encourage and develop regional heads in 35 districts/cities in one breath to create a Child-Friendly City and the results since 2021 Central Java have succeeded in becoming Pioneers of Child-Friendly Provinces.

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