JAKARTA - For Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, the development of the capital city of the archipelago has an important role in the progress of the nation in the future. Ganjar ensured that the IKN development project initiated by President Joko Widodo must be continued.

"IKN not only moved one place. Not only moved the building, but also moved the mindset," said Ganjar in the Indonesia Data and Economic Conference (IDE) Katadata 2023 in Jakarta, July 20 yesterday.

"Anyone who becomes a national leader must continue because all leaders are sworn in to implement the constitution and law," he added.

Then, Ganjar said that IKN development is a way to realize the big dreams of future urban development.

In this regard, the presidential candidate will admit that he has discussed with the initiators of IKN development. From that meeting, he became convinced that the development of IKN contained great ideals towards a bigger nation.

The third thing that Ganjar said regarding IKN was about planning in building IKN. Even though it has been stipulated in the law and is a priority program, IKN development must be with careful planning.

Ganjar said the development of IKN must involve all elements of society, especially the local community around IKN as part of efforts to prepare the ecosystem

"Building IKN should not be rushed because in building a city it also needs to build its ecosystem," said Ganjar again.

It is known, Jokowi hopes that the IKN development will continue even though he is no longer in office. He targets IKN to be used in stages by the end of 2024.

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