JAKARTA - The tweet by Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda on twitter @ permadiaktivis1 has a long tail. Thursday, January 28 yesterday, Abu Janda was officially reported by the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) to Bareskrim Polri

The reason for this was Abu the widow's tweets which alluded to evolution. As for the reported tweets, 'General Hendropriyono's capacity:

Former Head of BIN, Former Director of Bais, Former Minister of Transmigration, Professor of Intelligence Philosophy, Served in Various Military Operations. You @ NataliusPigai2 what's your capacity? Have you finished evolution yet? ' Abu Janda tweeted.

This evolutionary diction is the basis of the report sent by the KNPI. "Because it is suspected of spreading hate speech," said the Head of the KNPI DPP Legal Division, Medya Rischa Lubis.

Responding to this report, Abu Janda and Denny Siregar took action on their respective twitter pages. Abu Janda, for example, signaled that the KNPI report was motivated by revenge.

"This is a political grudge. The reporter is @harisknpi, a defender of FPI. FPI's heartache is disbanded, I want revenge for Rizieq in prison. I am sure the police @CCICPolri can judge that it cannot be used as a means of revenge," tweeted Abu Janda.

He even wanted to report back to the KNPI to the Police. "Do you want to play a report to the police on the issue of racism, bang @harisknpi, pace @ NataliusPigai2? let's play us We'll see whose reports are being processed, ”tweeted Permadi Arya.

After Arya's reaction, Denny Siregar also made a scathing comment. According to him, Abu Janda's tweet @ permadiaktivis1 was not a form of racism against activist from Papua, Natalius Pigai.

"This is the @harisknpi who reports @ permadiaktivis1 you must read. Because let alone Pigai, all human beings on this earth have not yet completed evolution. So it's funny if these words are reported as a form of racism," Denny tweeted, @ Dennysiregar7.

Denny also mentioned @DivHumas_Polri for his tweet and said that the police were not stupid people who immediately accepted reports from the KNPI.

The @harisknpi or Haris Pertama account is known as the General Chair of the KNPI DPP. According to Denny, Haris must understand the risks of reporting someone. If Haris' report to the Police is not legally proven, then Abu Janda has the right to report back as a form of defamation.

"If this happens, Haris could go to jail. Don't mess with reports," tweeted Denny.

According to Denny, this pattern is common in Indonesia. report something to the Police even though they do not have sufficient evidence. "Then the buzzer moves to trending the issue. If it is rejected because it is not feasible, they will raise the issue of" being protected by the regime "" the tools of the rulers "as if their report must be accepted. That is an imposition of its name," said Denny.

The chairman of the KNPI DPP Haris Pertama @harisknpi also took action and was not afraid to face the 'threat' of reports sent by Abu Janda.

"If indeed I have to be arrested for fighting racists and dividers of unity like this then I am sincere. But I and all Indonesian people still believe that POLRI will uphold a fair law and maintain unity in Indonesia, "said Haris on his twitter @harisknpi, Thursday, January 28.

“Uphold Justice Even though the Sky is Falling Down !!! The Prison Bars will be Heaven for those who defend the truth. #CaptureAbuJanda "he continued.

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